Web 2.0 Submission
Web 2.0 websites for SEO are effective for taking your web page to the top-level in the seek engine effects pages. Within the internet 2.0 submission, you need to proportion attractive content material through weblog websites. In net 1. zero, there are static net pages because of which restricted interaction among customers and websites used to occur.
Benefits of Web 2.0 Submission
Web 2.0 has the capacity to carry an excessive quantity of traffic on your internet pages. Your content material gets permitted through those websites within days or weeks. Once it receives uploaded, ready yourself to witness loads of relevant traffic, make certain you make use of the websites with better web pages and domain authority.
Free Websites for Web 2.0 Submission
Web 2.0 submission is a precious exertion; here, you can share your engaging content through blog sites related to your services or products on these websites and make it online. As a result, this will give you a better result in SEO ranking. Here are some free Web 2.0 submission sites which are given below:
1 https://www.wix.com/
2 https://www.weebly.com/
3 https://cms.jimdo.com/
4 https://themes.yola.com/
5 https://www.gurugramonline.in/
6 https://ukit.com/
7 https://jigsy.com/account
8 https://pub15.bravenet.com/
9 https://www.cabanova.com/
10 https://wordpress.com/
Question and Answering
Question and Answering submissions in an SEO off-page strategy that incorporates the venture of answering the questions of the users on exclusive QA submission websites/platforms.
Free Websites for Question and Answering
Here are some Question and Answering submission sites which will help you in SEO ranking. Here you can ask your question related to your services or products and any other topics. You can also promote your business by using these websites.
1 https://www.answers.com/
2 https://www.wikihow.com/
3 https://www.proprofsdiscuss.com/
4 https://www.quora.com/
5 https://www.fixya.com/
6 https://www.blurtit.com/Â
7 https://www.girlsaskguys.com/Â
8 https://www.answersmode.com/
9 https://www.fluther.com/
10 https://www.funadvice.com/
11 https://www.letsdiskuss.com/
12 https://mathoverflow.net/
13 http://thejustquery.com/
14 https://answerhighway.com/
15 https://www.answers.com/
16 https://www.fixya.com/
17 https://www.startpagina.nl/
18 https://www.question.com/
19 https://respuestas.trabber.com/
20 http://www.science.ca/
21 https://stackoverflow.com/
22 https://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/
23 https://x2.fi/
24 https://superuser.com/